Thursday, June 5, 2008

A different view

A close friend of mine called a few days ago. We chatted for almost 3 hours and she was telling me of her problems. Surprisingly, as I hear myself talk, I can tell that I'm giving her sound advices -- things that I know that I, too, should learn to practice.

Have you ever been in a position wherein you actually tell someone what to do? Telling them how to solve their problems? Yet, quite ironically, your life is such a mess either! Wondering why it is easy to understand and analyze when seen from a different view?

I was outside, looking in.

I saw a different perspective. I've become fully aware on how lucky I am to not experience the same fate. And yes, I did compare. In my mind, I thought that maybe God planned it that way. Realize your blessings at the expense of one's sorrows. Begin to accept the things you are grateful for over one's regrets. You start to count the gifts one by one. And learn to live with what you have. Feel blessed. Be thankful. But at the end of the day, it's never simple. It's always easier said than done. Maybe that is why anyone can actually give an advice.

Or it could also be that if you are inside, you feel the love and the pain. These things that people from the outside are not able to feel. They can never comprehend what you are actually going through, cannot even come close. Your true sentiments, your emotions, can never be revealed but only to yourself alone. They are merely outsiders trying to relate -- just looking in.

As I sit and write this, I wonder, can i ever step outside from my life? Detach with all the emotions and look at it from a different perspective, to teach my inside self how to go through life the way I saw how it should be lived? Then to go back and apply all my outside self had preached?

Ah life, whoever said it's easy?

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